Forever Alone

SWG ends forever alone

SWG ends forever alone  Forever Alone

makes facebook profile puts male modle as profile pictue

makes facebook profile puts male modle as profile pictue  Forever Alone

female telemarketer calls google pick up lines

female telemarketer calls google pick up lines  Forever Alone

constant rejection life

constant rejection life  Forever Alone

I wasn't exactly a peach either

I wasn't exactly a peach either  Forever Alone

Meet cute girl at school Rape her

Meet cute girl at school Rape her  Forever Alone

Call tech support get automated machine

Call tech support get automated machine  Forever Alone

Friend Request on Facebook Its the account i made for my cat

Friend Request on Facebook Its the account i made for my cat   Forever Alone

Wait all day for boyfriend to come home Call of Duty gets chosen over me

Wait all day for boyfriend to come home Call of Duty gets chosen over me    Forever Alone


JOHAN HEISSEN  Forever Alone
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