First World Stoner Problems

Wants to play video games while high sucks at video games

Wants to play video games while high sucks at video games  First World Stoner Problems

Have really dank weed all the keif is on my fingers

Have really dank weed all the keif is on my fingers  First World Stoner Problems

Want to get a Doritos taco live in canada

Want to get a Doritos taco live in canada  First World Stoner Problems

My weed is too dank It's gonna stink up the house

My weed is too dank It's gonna stink up the house  First World Stoner Problems

drank too much water while having a cotton mouth cant sleep cause of constant urge to piss

drank too much water while having a cotton mouth cant sleep cause of constant urge to piss  First World Stoner Problems

Ate my own body weight in munchies Now i can't poop

Ate my own body weight in munchies Now i can't poop  First World Stoner Problems

I want to watch tv and listen to music

I want to watch tv and listen to music  First World Stoner Problems

Wants to play Banjo Kazooie Too high and lazy to get up and turn on N64

Wants to play Banjo Kazooie  Too high and lazy to get up and turn on N64  First World Stoner Problems

The snow is so beautiful my parents will know exactly where i go

The snow is so beautiful my parents will know exactly where i go  First World Stoner Problems

start reading a thread forget what the thread was about

start reading a thread forget what the thread was about  First World Stoner Problems
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