First World Problems

There's so many toppings on my pizza They all fall off when i try to pick up a piece

There's so many toppings on my pizza They all fall off when i try to pick up a piece  First World Problems

I want to abuse my pain pills but my nose hurts from scratching too much

I want to abuse my pain pills but my nose hurts from scratching too much  First World Problems

I caught a shiny magikarp and accidentally evolved it Now nobody believes that it isnt the one everybody gets

I caught a shiny magikarp and accidentally evolved it  Now nobody believes that it isnt the one everybody gets  First World Problems

My 20-week ultrasound showed a perfectly healthy baby if all continues to go well, I won't see the baby again until it's born

My 20-week ultrasound showed a perfectly healthy baby if all continues to go well, I won't see the baby again until it's born  First World Problems

I am so tired too lazy to get ready for bed

I am so tired too lazy to get ready for bed  First World Problems

Took the biggest poo of my life stupid automatic toilet flushed it before i could take a look

Took the biggest poo of my life stupid automatic toilet flushed it before i could take a look  First World Problems

The unsweet tea comes out faster than the sweet tea

The unsweet tea comes out faster than the sweet tea  First World Problems

Dropped my iPad on my face Now I have to lay on my stomach to use it

Dropped my iPad on my face Now I have to lay on my stomach to use it  First World Problems

I have so many clothes they wont all fit in my closet

I have so many clothes they wont all fit in my closet  First World Problems

Bought new 2hander at Auction House Can't test it because the server is down

Bought new 2hander at Auction House Can't test it because the server is down  First World Problems
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