First World Problems

Went to the Pav for Chik-fil-A No meal swipes left

Went to the Pav for Chik-fil-A No meal swipes left  First World Problems

I want to play video games with my friends But they're all at work

I want to play video games with my friends But they're all at work  First World Problems

Was going to post link to reddit somebody beat me to it Caption 3 goes here

Was going to post link to reddit
 somebody beat me to it Caption 3 goes here  First World Problems

Everything in this subreddit sucks but i can't downvote anything

Everything in this subreddit sucks but i can't downvote anything  First World Problems

I lost my seche vite

 I lost my seche vite  First World Problems

get's alot of money Doesn't know what to do first

get's alot of money Doesn't know what to do first  First World Problems

The restaurant I'm going to Doesn't have arcade games

The restaurant I'm going to Doesn't have arcade games  First World Problems

I got so many facebook notifications for my birthday I don't feel like responding to any

I got so many facebook notifications for my birthday I don't feel like responding  to any  First World Problems

I was going to take a nap before class but i discovered Baylor Memes facebook page

I was going to take a nap before class but i discovered Baylor Memes facebook page  First World Problems

Wanted to use google scholar default ucl search setting: bing

Wanted to use google scholar default ucl search setting: bing  First World Problems
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