First World Problems

Goes to KK Doesn't see jordan taylor

Goes to KK Doesn't see jordan taylor  First World Problems

lab on Fridays mandatory clean-up on Slope Day

lab on Fridays mandatory clean-up on Slope Day  First World Problems

I need auctionator But i'm too lazy to download it

I need auctionator  But i'm too lazy to download it  First World Problems

iPod Died Had to listen to the radio all the way home

iPod Died Had to listen to the radio all the way home  First World Problems

want to watch a video on reddit don't want to turn off my music

want to watch a video on reddit don't want to turn off my music  First World Problems

I don't have enough bookcases for my books in Skyrim

I don't have enough bookcases for my books in Skyrim  First World Problems

I used so much olive oil making tahini I don't have enough left to make hummous

I used so much olive oil making tahini I don't have enough left to make hummous  First World Problems

My sparkling water went flat now it's just water

My sparkling water went flat now it's just water  First World Problems

i want to smoke more weed but my metal pipe is too hot

i want to smoke more weed but my metal pipe is too hot  First World Problems

Candy Crush ruins relationships

Candy Crush  ruins relationships  First World Problems
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