First World Problems

People are using the internet to become more globally aware My self-assigned status as an elitist intellectual is in peril

People are using the internet to become more globally aware My self-assigned status as an elitist intellectual is in peril  First World Problems

using webmail because the office has no power all my client side rules aren't running and i'm flooded with shit i usually ignore

using webmail because the office has no power all my client side rules aren't running and i'm flooded with shit i usually ignore  First World Problems

people are hitting reply all on a massive email group summer vacation is ruined

people are hitting reply all on a massive email group summer vacation is ruined  First World Problems

Cup window opens Too busy working to play any games

Cup window opens Too busy working to play any games  First World Problems

My Air conditioning can't cool my house My house is too big

My Air conditioning can't cool my house My house is too big  First World Problems

Just introduced my brother to Reddit He already has more Karma than me

Just introduced my brother to Reddit He already has more Karma than me  First World Problems

Birthday is two days after christmas Only get presents once.

Birthday is two days after christmas Only get presents once.  First World Problems

MY FRIDGE IS SO FULL I can't Find what i want to eat Caption 3 goes here

 I can't Find what i want to eat Caption 3 goes here  First World Problems

I want to re-watch season 5 and 6 but my boyfriends only up to season 2

I want to re-watch season 5 and 6 but my boyfriends only up to season 2  First World Problems

I stayed up late on Reddit Now the front page is the same as last night

I stayed up late on
Reddit Now the front page is the same as last night  First World Problems
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