First World Problems

Playing Regicide to get assassinations King Marker is above my head for half the game

Playing Regicide to get assassinations King Marker is above my head for half the game  First World Problems

got the shift in pulse she was way too young

got the shift in pulse she was way too young  First World Problems

I want to go to sleep but I'm too tired to fold all my clean laundry on my bed

I want to go to sleep but I'm too tired to fold all my clean laundry on my bed  First World Problems

my sound system takes up so much space in my car that i dont have enough room to pack all of my belongings for college

my sound system takes up so much space in my car that  i dont have enough room to  pack all of my belongings for college  First World Problems

two 500gig HDD, one with $1000's worth of torrented movies/tv/games/music formatted the wrong one

two 500gig HDD, one with $1000's worth of torrented movies/tv/games/music formatted the wrong one  First World Problems

I can't keep my paws over my eyes because my fur is too smooth

I can't keep my paws over my eyes because my fur is too smooth  First World Problems

Walks all the way to Einstein's during lunch Lines more painful than the DMV

Walks all the way to Einstein's during lunch  Lines more painful than the DMV  First World Problems

It's 10PM, going to read AFFC after I check reddit real quick... Its 3AM... still on reddit

 It's 10PM, going to read AFFC after I check reddit real quick... Its 3AM... still on reddit  First World Problems

Washed my hands towel is too short

Washed my hands towel 
 is too short  First World Problems

Takes a drink from water bottle water is warm

Takes a drink from water bottle water is warm  First World Problems
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