First World Problems

Bubbles under my screen protector

Bubbles under my screen protector  First World Problems

Goes to reddit for specific subreddit sidetracked by front page links

Goes to reddit for specific subreddit sidetracked by front page links   First World Problems

credits are taking too long have to exit full screen to play next episode

credits are taking too long have to exit full screen to play next episode  First World Problems

Really needa poo Someone used all your toilet paper

Really needa poo Someone used all your toilet paper  First World Problems

Made Tea No Rich Tea biscuits

Made Tea No Rich Tea biscuits  First World Problems

free Amazon Prime ran out have to pay for shipping

free Amazon Prime ran out have to pay for shipping  First World Problems

I always have my best burps When no one is around to hear them

I always have my best burps When no one is around to hear them  First World Problems

... er ... um Too brain fried from studying to think of a funny meme

... er ... um Too brain fried from studying to think of a funny meme  First World Problems

i want to watch a video on facebook but i don't want to subscribe to any apps

i want to watch a video on facebook but i don't want to subscribe to any apps  First World Problems

my Favorite ice cream shop isn't open today i'll have to go to the one across town.

my Favorite ice cream shop isn't open today i'll have to go to the one across town.  First World Problems
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