First World Problems

lost my smart phone now i'm just wasting time on the toilet

lost my smart phone now i'm just wasting time on the toilet  First World Problems

accidentally types "your'" instead of "you're" gets made fun of by grammar nazis

accidentally types

Someone switched my coffee to decaf Now I can't stay awake on reddit

Someone switched my coffee to decaf Now I can't stay awake on reddit  First World Problems

no more lounge no more foosball

no more lounge no more foosball  First World Problems

Forgot code to garage door had to walk around

Forgot code to garage door had to walk around  First World Problems

birthday my facebook page bugs and doesn't let anyone to comment

birthday my facebook page bugs and doesn't let anyone to comment  First World Problems

log on and see 16 facebook updates All friend request confirmations

log on and see 16 facebook updates All friend request confirmations  First World Problems

I lost my watch now I need to look at my cell phone to tell the time.

I lost my watch now I need to look at my cell phone to tell the time.  First World Problems

wants to wash hand with warm water needs to let the tap run an extra 10 seconds

wants to wash hand with warm water needs to let the tap run an extra 10 seconds  First World Problems

Only needed one pizza it was two for tuesday

Only needed one pizza it was two for tuesday  First World Problems
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