First World Problems

drove car to store two blocks away from my house bc i'm lazy lost spring

drove car to store two blocks away from my house bc i'm lazy lost spring  First World Problems

r/firstworldproblems doesn't give me any karma for this

r/firstworldproblems doesn't give me any karma for this  First World Problems

recently graduated college relatives no longer give gifts for christmas

recently graduated college relatives no longer give gifts for christmas  First World Problems

I want to study for my finals but my adderall is all the way upstairs

I want to study for my finals but my adderall is all the way upstairs  First World Problems

Reads bottom line first. Wrecks meme.

Reads bottom line first. Wrecks meme.  First World Problems

Now i have to buy music

 Now i have to buy music   First World Problems

i want to play a video game but i have too many to choose from

i want to play a video game but i have too many to choose from  First World Problems

have nice sweaters office is too hot to wear them

have nice sweaters office is too hot to wear them  First World Problems

I want to post a funny meme but i'm afraid my family will see it

I want to post a funny meme but i'm afraid my family will see it  First World Problems

Got a new friend request on Facebook Wasn't a hot chick

Got a new friend request on Facebook Wasn't a hot chick  First World Problems
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