First World Problems

I missed my cake day Because I was vacationing in the Bahamas

I missed my cake day Because I was vacationing in the Bahamas  First World Problems

I'll never have OC because all I do is Reddit

I'll never have OC because all I do is Reddit  First World Problems

All my friends have divorced parents mine still love each other

All my friends have divorced parents mine still love each other  First World Problems

my skin is so white that my own reflection distracts my ipad use

my skin is so white that my own reflection distracts my ipad use  First World Problems

My internet in my area has an outage so I have to use my phone's data plan to browse the internet

My internet in my area has an outage so I have to use my phone's data plan to browse the internet  First World Problems

Reading on Kindle think only halfway through Second half is a free additional book

Reading on Kindle think only halfway through Second half is a free additional book  First World Problems

my 17" Macbook is too big But my iphone is too small

my 17

I put a can of coke in the freezer hours ago Forgot about it and now I have to clean it up

I put a can of coke in the freezer hours ago Forgot about it and now I have to clean it up  First World Problems

I hate paying the $0.50 convenience fee When I use my parent's credit card

I hate paying the $0.50
convenience fee When I use my parent's credit card  First World Problems

Day 3 of unpacking ran out of hangers

Day 3 of unpacking  ran out of hangers  First World Problems
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