First World Problems

My eyes hurt Because my new Retina Display is so clear

My eyes hurt Because my new Retina Display is so clear  First World Problems

Read about some cool tech There isn't a video demo

Read about some cool tech There isn't a video demo   First World Problems

my vacation house in Sun River Is so boring until the slopes open

my vacation house in Sun River Is so boring until the slopes open  First World Problems

I unliked a page on facebook because they flooded my wall with annoying pictures but I still see them every time my friends like them

I unliked a page on facebook because they flooded my wall with annoying pictures but I still see them every time my friends like them  First World Problems

Watch so many movies can't find one i haven't seen

Watch so many movies can't find one i haven't seen  First World Problems

I hate Justin Bieber But his new single is so catchy

I hate Justin Bieber But his new single is so catchy  First World Problems

I have so many leftovers They'll go bad before I can eat all of them

I have so many leftovers They'll go bad before I can eat all of them  First World Problems

Spotify has no thumb up option now i cant feel satisfied when i like a song

Spotify has no thumb up option now i cant feel satisfied when i like a song  First World Problems

I am too cold to write this paper But If I put more clothes on i will get too comfy and sleepy to write it

I am too cold to write this paper But If I put more clothes on i will get too comfy and sleepy to write it  First World Problems

I'm so good at this game it's not even fun anymore

I'm so good at this game it's not even fun anymore  First World Problems
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