First World Problems

MY netflix account is already streaming on too many devices So I have to keep browsing reddit

MY netflix account is already streaming on too many devices So I have to keep browsing reddit  First World Problems

Put phone on the charger forgot to plug charger into the wall

Put phone on the charger  forgot to plug charger into the wall  First World Problems

The Crunch of my chips blocks the sound of the TV

The Crunch of my chips blocks the sound of the TV  First World Problems

Lindsay Lohan's playboy photoshoot Had no vagina

Lindsay Lohan's playboy photoshoot Had no vagina  First World Problems

Didn't check reddit yesterday Didn't get to see the pickle

Didn't check reddit yesterday Didn't get to see the pickle  First World Problems

i have to poop but the toilet seat is cold

i have to poop but the toilet seat is cold  First World Problems

Browsing reddit at home after browsing reddit at work Can't tell which posts I've already clicked

Browsing reddit at home after browsing reddit at work Can't tell which posts I've already clicked  First World Problems

I finally got my Attack Helicopter but The airspace is too crowded

I finally got my Attack Helicopter but The airspace is too crowded  First World Problems

Finished DANCE OF DRAGONS IN TRAIN ON THE WAY TO WORK NOthing to read on the train ride back home

Finished DANCE OF DRAGONS IN TRAIN ON THE WAY TO WORK NOthing to read on the train ride back home  First World Problems

I want to share music with my friends But Spotify isn't available where they live

I want to share music with my friends But Spotify isn't available where they live  First World Problems
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