First World Problems

Voting machines are broken Had to wait an hour to vote

Voting machines are broken Had to wait an hour to vote  First World Problems

We have too many cars to go in the garage So in the morning I have to scrape ice off my windows

We have too many cars to go in the garage So in the morning I have to scrape ice off my windows  First World Problems

I really enjoy using twitter But i have too much shit to say to fit it in 140 characters

I really enjoy using twitter But i have too much shit to say to fit it in 140 characters  First World Problems

its too cold in my room Because of my floor to ceiling windows

its too cold in my room Because of my floor to ceiling windows  First World Problems

I cant fit All these tvs in the suv

I cant fit  All these tvs in the suv  First World Problems

It's Black Friday But there's noting I need to buy

It's Black Friday But there's noting I need to buy  First World Problems

My parents asked me what i want for Christmas but I already have everything i want

My parents asked me what i want for Christmas but I already have everything i want  First World Problems

I scrolled down too far on the page had to refresh because scrolling up takes too long

I scrolled down too far on the page had to refresh because scrolling up takes too long  First World Problems

I've been working out too much I can't be a drag queen anymore

I've been working out too much I can't be a drag queen anymore  First World Problems

my high score is so high that i'll never be able to beat it

my high score is so high that i'll never be able to beat it  First World Problems
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