First World Problems

Hans health inspection chocolate chips in the cookies... or rat feces

Hans health inspection chocolate chips in the cookies... or rat feces  First World Problems

Library closes at 2am doors locked at midnight

Library closes at 2am doors locked at midnight  First World Problems

Roomate talks in his sleep does it in his first language, so I can't make fun of what he says

Roomate talks in his sleep does it in his first language, so I can't make fun of what he says  First World Problems

Joined hash meme group to escape hash drama Memes created drama

Joined hash meme group to escape hash drama Memes created drama  First World Problems

Told Mom about Reddit Child Sexualization is the day's front page issue

Told Mom about Reddit Child Sexualization is the day's front page issue  First World Problems

Runs out of wings while in the middle of a temple run game Quits game

Runs out of wings while in the middle of a temple run game Quits game  First World Problems

My laptop is too big It doesn't fit into the safe in my hotel room

My laptop is too big It doesn't fit into the safe in my hotel room  First World Problems

i want to whore karma but i can't recall any "oh god why" moments from my childhood

i want to whore karma but i can't recall any

Been a loyal fan No beta invite

Been a loyal fan No beta invite  First World Problems

Ran full sprint towards if bus stop driver still drove off

Ran full sprint towards if bus stop driver still drove off  First World Problems
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