First World Problems

When I browse reddit on my iPad I occasionally hit the "x" to close instead of the back arrow

When I browse reddit on my iPad I occasionally hit the

After taxes and student loan debt I will only earn $36,000 From my $60,000/ year entry level job

After taxes and student loan debt I will only earn $36,000  From my $60,000/ year entry level job  First World Problems

that moment of despair when a family member likes your page Natsu DragneelDon

that moment of despair when a family member likes your page Natsu DragneelDon  First World Problems

i'm too slow for the passing lane but too fast for the second lane

i'm too slow for the passing lane but too fast for the second lane  First World Problems

Bought Charmin's Ultra Soft toilet paper can never go back to normal toilet paper

Bought Charmin's Ultra Soft toilet paper can never go back to normal toilet paper  First World Problems

Torrentz On ptcl Not Working

Torrentz On ptcl Not Working  First World Problems

I want to watch star wars episode V But elm76at m26o3a

I want to watch star wars episode V But elm76at m26o3a  First World Problems

why do they keep yelling at me flip phone aint that bad

why do they keep yelling at me flip phone aint that bad  First World Problems

The toilet's clogged

 The toilet's clogged  First World Problems

Too Many good bands at Hellfest I cannot see them all and must choose

Too Many good bands at Hellfest I cannot see them all and must choose  First World Problems
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