First World Problems

Registering for fall classes on the AU portal

Registering for fall classes on the AU portal  First World Problems

Excel doesn't allow default axis titles I have to manually enter "Absorbance" for the Y-axis 9 times a week

Excel doesn't allow  default axis titles I have to manually enter

Felt like driving my 911 today But my son has a hockey game tonight so I'll have to take the M5 instead

Felt like driving my 911 today But my son has a hockey game tonight so I'll have to take the M5 instead  First World Problems

I Can't believe that Gabe Blue is a minute man

I Can't believe that Gabe Blue is a minute man  First World Problems

Bought a new smartphone To big to fit in my pocket

Bought a new smartphone To big to fit in my pocket  First World Problems

I want to start microwaving my mac and cheese But I have to wait for my pizza to microwave first

I want to start microwaving my mac and cheese But I have to wait for my pizza to microwave first  First World Problems

Once you fuck a Devils Diciple... Nothing will ever feel as delightful

Once you fuck a Devils Diciple... Nothing will ever feel as delightful  First World Problems

the dvr in my room didn't record now i have to watch it on the downstairs tv

the dvr in my room didn't record now i have to watch it on the downstairs tv  First World Problems

Been training and dieting for a year, finally making noticeable gains Medium clothes are too small. Large are too damn big.

Been training and dieting for a year, finally making noticeable gains Medium clothes are too small. Large are too damn big.   First World Problems

Looks at JC meme page Realises got all the answers wrong

Looks at JC meme page
 Realises got all the
answers wrong  First World Problems
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