First World Problems

The server at Starbucks Didn't know the difference between de-caf and caffeine free

The server at Starbucks Didn't know the difference between de-caf and caffeine free  First World Problems

My phone is out of charge and the charger is all the way on the other side of my room

My phone is out of charge and the charger is all the way on the other side of my room  First World Problems

Thinks of the best meme while sitting on the toilet forgets it

Thinks of the best meme while sitting on the toilet  forgets it   First World Problems

I want to win £100 But none of my friends go out

I want to win £100  But none of my friends go out  First World Problems

Trying to watch new PVR'd Mad Men episode Keep pressing play early because of all the Mad Men commercials

Trying to watch new PVR'd Mad Men episode Keep pressing play early because of all the Mad Men commercials  First World Problems

found my iphone that's been lost for weeks now I'm to busy playing games and texting to finish the book I'm reading

found my iphone that's been lost for weeks now I'm to busy playing games and texting to finish the book I'm reading   First World Problems

She said if i was older she'd have a crush on me

She said if i was older she'd have a crush on me  First World Problems

i don't know what color iPhone to get

i don't know what color iPhone to get  First World Problems

went to drink coffee at cafe coffee day charged 500/-

went to drink coffee at cafe coffee day charged 500/-  First World Problems

Imported car from Japan can't use drive thru

Imported car from Japan can't use drive thru  First World Problems
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