First World Problems

thought today was my reddit birthday it's not

thought today was my reddit birthday it's not  First World Problems

Met someone special they listen to dubstep

Met someone special they listen to dubstep  First World Problems

I have too many cards when a seven is rolled

I have too many cards when a seven is rolled  First World Problems

Reddit was down and I had to go to digg

Reddit was down and I had to go to digg  First World Problems

Tried to make rum and coke Only had pepsi Caption 3 goes here

Tried to make rum and coke
 Only had pepsi Caption 3 goes here  First World Problems

every time i wash my pillow cases I forget which pillow i like best Caption 4 goes here

every time i wash my pillow cases
 I forget which pillow i like best  Caption 4 goes here  First World Problems

Forgot to take the trash out on trash night Now we'll have to fill both garbage cans

Forgot to take the trash out on trash night Now we'll have to fill both garbage cans  First World Problems

can't find enough sync cables to charge all apple devices

can't find enough sync cables
 to charge all apple devices   First World Problems

Finally turned the ac on Now Im too chilly

Finally turned the ac on Now Im too chilly  First World Problems

i'm so busy doing awesome, amazing stuff everyday I have no energy left over to gloat about it like a douche on facebook afterwards Caption 3 goes here

i'm so busy doing awesome, amazing stuff everyday I have no energy left over to gloat about it like a douche on facebook afterwards Caption 3 goes here  First World Problems
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