First World Problems

Daylight savings time - pc and cell phone automatically adjust have to manually update clock display in car

Daylight savings time - pc and cell phone automatically adjust have to manually update clock display in car  First World Problems

Woke up thinking it was 8:38am It's actually 9:38am

Woke up thinking it was 8:38am It's actually 9:38am  First World Problems

studying sucks privileged enough to attend college

studying sucks privileged enough to attend college  First World Problems

I won the car instead of the $200,000

I won the car instead of the $200,000  First World Problems

I want to do something about kONY But I'm to busy on Reddit to do anything about it

I want to do something about kONY But I'm to busy on Reddit to do anything about it  First World Problems

I live too close to the Beach When it's windy I get sand all over my car

I live too close to the Beach When it's windy I get sand all over my car  First World Problems

I can't use my iPhone, Kindle, or Laptop to write notes I have to use pen and paper

I can't use my iPhone, Kindle, or Laptop to write notes I have to use pen and paper  First World Problems

accidently post meme into r/pics wonder why downvoted

accidently post meme into r/pics wonder why downvoted    First World Problems

Can't figure out how to play the Imperial March on the Youtube Weed Frog

Can't figure out how to play the Imperial March on the Youtube Weed Frog  First World Problems

there's no food in the house that can be cooked in the microwave

there's no food in the house that can be cooked in the microwave  First World Problems
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