First World Problems

made an awesome terrarium out of a broken terra cotta pot cat peed in it

made an awesome terrarium out of a broken terra cotta pot cat peed in it  First World Problems

SO thirsty only have tap water

SO thirsty only have tap water  First World Problems

Borrows Friend's Truck Doesn't have remote start

Borrows Friend's Truck Doesn't have remote start  First World Problems

the professor went over more than the syllabus?

the professor went over more  than the syllabus?  First World Problems

reddit offline has to use digg

reddit offline has to use digg  First World Problems

Slow night at work. no reddit.

Slow night at work. no reddit.  First World Problems

cooks pizza bites sauce and cheese oozed onto the foil.

cooks pizza bites sauce and cheese oozed onto the foil.  First World Problems

kam me shume rroba sesa varese rrobash

kam me shume rroba  sesa varese rrobash  First World Problems

Received a text while I was using voice to text have to start over

Received a text while I was using voice to text  have to start over  First World Problems

Trimmed my nails Realized that I missed my left thumb nail when I got out of the house

Trimmed my nails Realized that I missed my left thumb nail when I got out of the house  First World Problems
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