First World Problems

The universal remote for my cable box doesnt change the input on my TV.

The universal remote for my cable box doesnt change the input on my TV.  First World Problems

I had four biscuits, and I ate one. Then I only had three.

I had four biscuits, and I ate one. Then I only had three.  First World Problems

Opened a tab for Google Instantly forgot what I wanted to search

Opened a tab for Google Instantly forgot what I wanted to search  First World Problems

Feet are cold but heater vent is in ceiling

Feet are cold but heater vent is in ceiling  First World Problems

Come home to surf reddit Already surfed at work

Come home to surf reddit Already surfed at work  First World Problems

i have too many spoons

 i have too many spoons  First World Problems

Barely and poop came out But it's taking forever to wipe

Barely and poop came out But it's taking forever to wipe  First World Problems

this cold drink makes my soup to hot

this cold drink makes my soup to hot  First World Problems

Make front page on subreddit with idiot facebook friends status can't post achievement on facebook because they might see it

Make front page on subreddit with idiot facebook friends status can't post achievement on facebook because they might see it  First World Problems

I want to make my Dungeons and dragons character on skyrim but his name is too long.

I want to make my Dungeons and dragons character on skyrim but his name is too long.   First World Problems
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