First World Problems

i wanted to commandeer that atlas but all of my weapons were too strong

i wanted to commandeer that atlas but all of my weapons were too strong  First World Problems

I have to wear blues today

 I have to wear blues today  First World Problems

My potato chips keep breaking off in the dip

My potato chips keep breaking off in the dip  First World Problems

People hate me Because I am too good

People hate me Because I am too good  First World Problems

i decided to wait until morning to post a great link someone posted it while i slept and made the front page

i decided to wait until morning to post a great link someone posted it while i slept and made the front page  First World Problems

I told my cat to be grumpier He started purring at me instead

I told my cat to be grumpier He started purring at me instead  First World Problems

Scrolled to the bottom of a drop down menu only to realize "United states of America" was at the top.

Scrolled to the bottom of a drop down menu only to realize

Butter is too hard Won't spread on toast

Butter is too hard Won't spread on toast  First World Problems

Checking Reddit at a friends house No RES

Checking Reddit at a friends house No RES  First World Problems

woke up feeling great for playing mtgo it's wednesday

woke up feeling great for playing mtgo it's wednesday  First World Problems
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