First World Problems

Made a funny meme Got buried by Kony 2012 memes

Made a funny meme Got buried by Kony 2012 memes  First World Problems

all my food crumbs land in my cleavage

all my food crumbs land in my cleavage  First World Problems

I'm too old to go trick-or-treating

I'm too old to go trick-or-treating  First World Problems

Broke my smartphone forced to relearn t9

Broke my smartphone forced to relearn t9  First World Problems

My w-Spell one-shots all creeps So i Can't get AP with my Q

My w-Spell one-shots all creeps So i Can't get AP with my Q  First World Problems

iPhone GPS says I'm on the freeway, I'm on the frontage road

iPhone GPS says I'm on 
 the freeway,  I'm on the frontage road  First World Problems

15 minutes into a movie you chose Friends aren't laughing yet

15 minutes into a movie you chose Friends aren't laughing yet  First World Problems

My gum lost it's Flavor And there's not a trash can Nearby

My gum lost it's Flavor And there's not a 
trash can Nearby  First World Problems

pooped at home didn't get paid

pooped at home didn't get paid  First World Problems

The Oregon Washington Game Is on during the Alabama LSU Game

The Oregon Washington Game Is on during the Alabama LSU Game  First World Problems
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