First World Problems

My daughter hates gymnastics but it's too late to get my deposit back

My daughter hates gymnastics but it's too late to get my deposit back  First World Problems

I need to listen to this song now the youtube app on my iPhone won't find it

I need to listen to this song now the youtube app on my iPhone won't find it  First World Problems

Time consuming job is unmanageable 19 simultaneous games of words with friends

Time consuming job is unmanageable  19 simultaneous games of words with friends  First World Problems

Can't friend request girl I met at party because there's no legitimate reason I was able to find her on facebook

Can't friend request girl I met at party because there's no legitimate reason I was able to find her on facebook  First World Problems

I want cherry coke they only sell it in the U.s

I want cherry coke they only sell it in the U.s  First World Problems

The automatic doors weren't working I had to open them myself

The automatic doors weren't working I had to open them myself  First World Problems

how am i supposed to get my recommended 2000 calories per meal when the portion sizes at the DFAC are so small?

how am i supposed to get my recommended 2000 calories per meal when the portion sizes at the DFAC are so small?  First World Problems

Try to watch movies in my bed but my quilt blocks the laptop fan and it burns my legs

Try to watch movies in my bed but my quilt blocks the laptop fan and it burns my legs  First World Problems

home phone rings while i'm on the toilet

home phone rings while i'm on the toilet  First World Problems

Really wanted a sandwich only had two heel pieces left

Really wanted a sandwich  only had two heel pieces left  First World Problems
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