First World Problems

i want to buy an xl t-shirt but they are all out because everyone is this size

i want to buy an xl t-shirt but they are all out because everyone is this size  First World Problems

Iphone 5, black or white... why is it so hard to decide?

Iphone 5, black or white... why is it so hard to decide?  First World Problems

I'll never be able to smoke all of this pot

I'll never be able to smoke all of this pot  First World Problems

i want to plug in all my devices but My tv doesn't have enough HDMI ports

i want to plug in all my devices but My tv doesn't have enough HDMI ports  First World Problems

Now that i finally get consistent sex i have to shave my balls so often

Now that i finally get consistent sex i have to shave my balls so often  First World Problems

All I wanted to do was Watch the Juanma fight but I cant find an online stream

All I wanted to do was Watch the Juanma fight but I cant find an online stream  First World Problems

Can't tip the valet cause all i have are twenties...

Can't tip the valet cause all i have are twenties...  First World Problems

SWTOR update still downloading ... and servers still won't be up for another 3 hours

SWTOR update still downloading ... and servers still won't be up for another 3 hours  First World Problems

Couldn't get the classes i wanted ended up with no monday or friday classes

Couldn't get the classes i wanted ended up with no monday or friday classes  First World Problems

SPurs fan for life and NOW I'm such a crybaby ALL those bragging posts I put on Facebook

SPurs fan for life and NOW I'm such a crybaby ALL those  bragging posts I  put on Facebook  First World Problems
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