First World Problems

I thought someone was calling But its just a facebook notification

I thought someone was calling But its just a facebook notification  First World Problems

I had to restart my computer today

I had to  restart my computer today  First World Problems


dO NOT HAVE A BACKLIT KEYBOARD cANT type in dark  First World Problems

I lost my iPhone 5 Now I have to use my old iPhone 4s

I lost my iPhone 5 Now I have to use my old iPhone 4s  First World Problems

Father buys me a Mercedes for my birthday Complains it's only a C-class

Father buys me a Mercedes for my birthday Complains it's only a C-class  First World Problems

Bought 5kg of pig for pulled pork Dont have any cookware big enough to cook it

Bought 5kg of pig for pulled pork Dont have any cookware big enough to cook it  First World Problems

finds a good movie it's on telemundo

finds a good movie it's on telemundo  First World Problems

Sees jeff did a meme devastated about improper grammar

Sees jeff did a meme devastated about improper grammar  First World Problems

new releases just came out on redbox but I'm still paying for netflix

new releases just came out on redbox but I'm still paying for netflix  First World Problems

We ran out of voss water have to drink tap water

We ran out of voss water  have to drink tap water  First World Problems
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