First World Problems

I want to buy a new car but then my manager will think he's paying me enough

I want to buy a new car but then my manager will think he's paying me enough  First World Problems

I have Crohn's But it's so well controlled my doctor won't prescribe medical marijuana.

I have Crohn's But it's so well controlled my doctor won't prescribe medical marijuana.  First World Problems

Accepted free tickets last-minute to a party where I'll know no one Found out it's formal dresscode after it's too late to get out of it

Accepted free tickets last-minute to a party where I'll know no one Found out it's formal dresscode after it's too late to get out of it  First World Problems

I picked up a frosted mini wheat with my spoon there was no sugar on it

I picked up a frosted mini wheat with my spoon there was no sugar on it  First World Problems

We haven't smoked yet and my food is getting cold

We haven't smoked yet and my food is getting cold  First World Problems

someone was using my favorite toilet in the hallway bathroom

someone was using my favorite toilet in the hallway bathroom    First World Problems

woke up too late to set my fantasy football team

woke up too late to set my fantasy football team  First World Problems

1st wiper blade speed is too slow 2nd speed is too fast

1st wiper blade speed is too slow 2nd speed is too fast  First World Problems

Perry isn't going to come third in the Iowa caucuses Won't be sble to use the 1,2, umm...gaff on facebook tomorrow.

Perry isn't going to come third in the Iowa caucuses Won't be sble to use the 1,2, umm...gaff on facebook tomorrow.  First World Problems

wants to be productive can't stop looking at duke memes

wants to be productive can't stop looking at duke memes  First World Problems
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