First World Problems

my funny first world problem has already been posted on reddit

my funny first world problem has already been posted on reddit  First World Problems

I can't go to the reason rally BECAUSE I LIVE IN FUCKING CHINA

I can't go to the reason rally BECAUSE I LIVE IN FUCKING CHINA  First World Problems

finally came up with an awesome meme idea but my idea was way too wordy

finally came up with an awesome meme idea but my idea was way too wordy  First World Problems

trying to watch tv but my cleaning lady is vacuuming

trying to watch tv
 but my cleaning lady is vacuuming   First World Problems

my iced caramel macchiato has too much caramel

my iced caramel macchiato has too much caramel  First World Problems

freehugs keeps branching out to other games now i have to buy them

freehugs keeps branching out to other games now i have to buy them  First World Problems

Someone parked in the spot in front of me Now I will have to back up to leave.

Someone parked in the spot in front of me Now I will have to back up to leave.  First World Problems

Wants to catch a T-Shirt at a sporting event The club seats have glass around them

Wants to catch a T-Shirt at a sporting event The club seats have glass around them  First World Problems

I really want to nap after work But its finally sunny outside

I really want to nap after work But its finally sunny outside  First World Problems

Hear a song you've heard a million times on the radio Switch stations, same song playing

Hear a song you've heard a million times on the radio Switch stations, same song playing  First World Problems
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