First World Problems

pandora radiohead station won't play radiohead

pandora radiohead station won't play radiohead  First World Problems

Went to the copiers to print out my paper. Only to realize that i had walked away before entering my tcu id number to verify the print

Went to the copiers to print out my paper. Only to realize that i had walked away before entering my tcu id number to verify the print   First World Problems

My engagement ring keeps getting in the way because the diamond is too big

My engagement ring keeps getting in the way because the diamond is too big  First World Problems

first notch makes pants too tight second notch makes pants too loose

first notch makes pants too tight second notch makes pants too loose  First World Problems

I need to buy a new driver now But all the new models don't come out until next year

I need to buy a new driver now But all the new models don't come out until next year  First World Problems

I forgot my book at work Had to use my ipad's kindle app

I forgot my book at work Had to use my ipad's kindle app  First World Problems

i cant hear the tv because my chips are too crunchy

i cant hear the tv because my chips are too crunchy  First World Problems

None of my friends play Dark Souls So I have nobody to discuss my frustration or lore speculations with

None of my friends play Dark Souls So I have nobody to discuss my frustration or lore speculations with  First World Problems

Why didn't I read the label? super glue- it's not a good choice to style hair

Why didn't I read the label? super glue- it's not a good choice to style hair  First World Problems

i have no cell phone signal because i'm in a penthouse suite

i have no cell phone signal because i'm in a penthouse suite  First World Problems
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