First World Problems

Can't think of a way to make a first world problem Short enough for this meme

Can't think of a way to make a first world problem Short enough for this meme  First World Problems

I'm hungry But the food I'm eating doesn't meet my standards

I'm hungry But the food I'm eating doesn't meet my standards  First World Problems

Took a big poop Slid back down the pipes before I could see it

Took a big poop Slid back down the pipes before I could see it  First World Problems

Bought gorgeous polishes but love my current mani

Bought gorgeous polishes but love my current mani  First World Problems

Forget to charge my iPhone Can't play Draw Something

Forget to charge my iPhone Can't play Draw Something  First World Problems

Internet download speed 100mb/s Disk writing speed 7.2mb/s

Internet download speed 100mb/s Disk writing speed 7.2mb/s  First World Problems

open box of thin mints have to eat all of them by myself

open box of thin mints have to eat all of them by myself  First World Problems

Should have checked out the vip travel lounge before i ate mcdonalds

Should have checked out the vip travel lounge before i ate mcdonalds  First World Problems

parents asked me what i want for my birthday can't ask for weed

parents asked me what i want for my birthday can't ask for weed  First World Problems

Too late in the day to take a nap too early to go to bed

Too late in the day to take a nap too early to go to bed  First World Problems
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