First World Problems

Stupid College Redditors They just Keep using 4chans favorite memes wrong

Stupid College Redditors They just Keep using 4chans favorite memes wrong  First World Problems

Three treadmills open None of them work.

Three treadmills open  None of them work.  First World Problems

use to live in the freshman dorms that were close to my classes now i have to wake up more than 10 minutes before class to get there on time

use to live in the freshman dorms that were close to my classes now i have to wake up more than 10 minutes before class to get there on time  First World Problems

I woke up too late for Yoga class TO HELL WITH THIS ENTIRE DAY THEN

I woke up too late for Yoga class TO HELL WITH THIS ENTIRE DAY THEN  First World Problems

just got out of the shower realized i have to poop

just got out of the shower realized i have to poop  First World Problems

I went through all the links on reddit at a lunch meeting Now i have nothing to do in class

I went through all the links on reddit at a lunch meeting Now i have nothing to do in class  First World Problems

Professor gave out free muffins in class Now I can't taste my mocha latte

Professor gave out free muffins in class Now I can't taste my mocha latte  First World Problems

Got the job. Actually have to work now

Got the job. Actually have to work now  First World Problems

Have to pee really bad Too comfy to get up

Have to pee really bad Too comfy to get up  First World Problems

My wallet won't close I have too much money

My wallet won't close I have too much money  First World Problems
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