First World Problems

first reddit cakeday I have no idea what i am supposed to post

first reddit cakeday I have no idea what i am supposed to post  First World Problems

The A/C in your house is to cold

The A/C in your house is to cold  First World Problems

too much food in my frigde some of it is going to expire and I'll have to throw it away

too much food in my frigde some of it is going to expire
and I'll have to throw it away  First World Problems

I ate all the brown things from my Gardetto's And now im just left with the bread stick things

I ate all the brown things from my Gardetto's And now im just left with the bread stick things   First World Problems

Family is in town for thanksgiving Now I can't play Skyrim all night

Family is in town for thanksgiving Now I can't play Skyrim all night  First World Problems

My cars gps automatically turns my radio down to give me directions Right as the good part came on

My cars gps automatically turns my radio down to give me directions Right as the good part came on  First World Problems

Boot Shopping Can't find any that fit my massive gymnast calves

Boot Shopping Can't find any that fit my massive gymnast calves  First World Problems

I woke up at noon do i have breakfast or lunch?

I woke up at noon do i have breakfast or lunch?  First World Problems

my cookie is too big for my glass of milk

my cookie is too big for my glass of milk  First World Problems

wrapped christmas present Pattern does not align

wrapped christmas present Pattern does not align  First World Problems
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