First World Problems

Received a whole bag of Reese's minis Now I have to unwrap each one to eat them

Received a whole bag of Reese's minis Now I have to unwrap each one to eat them  First World Problems

met a cute girl doesn't like avicii levels

met a cute girl doesn't like avicii levels  First World Problems

Its time for bed so I took out my contacts I want to watch a movie but cant see without my glasses

Its time for bed so I took out my contacts I want to watch a movie but cant see without my glasses  First World Problems

i want to eat my chips but i can't hear the t.v.

i want to eat my chips but i can't hear the t.v.  First World Problems

Went to a buffet Ate to much

Went to a buffet Ate to much  First World Problems

I want to go to gourmet express But I don't want hsf to talk to me

I want to go to gourmet express But I don't want hsf to talk to me  First World Problems

My bowl broke now i can only smoke my bong

My bowl broke now i can only smoke my bong  First World Problems

My newbie protection ran out. Now everyones going to kill me.

My newbie protection ran out. Now everyones going to kill me.  First World Problems

trying to load #pluproblems but campus wifi sucks

trying to load #pluproblems but campus wifi sucks  First World Problems

No, mom cheese nips are not the same as cheez-its

No, mom cheese nips are not the same as cheez-its  First World Problems
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