First World Problems

50 presents wrapped and under the tree forgot tags

50 presents wrapped and under the tree forgot tags  First World Problems

Bought new beer refrigerator Electric bill went up $ 23 this month

Bought new beer refrigerator Electric bill went up $ 23 this month  First World Problems

Weed is too sticky for my grinder to properly prepare weed to vape

Weed is too sticky for my grinder to properly prepare weed to vape  First World Problems

I don't have classes on wednesdays, but i still have to wake up for pt

I don't have classes on wednesdays, but i still have to wake up for pt  First World Problems

i swear Leggings are pants.

i swear Leggings are pants.  First World Problems

Finally moves across the street from campus Stupid construction blocks access to campus

Finally moves across the street from campus Stupid construction blocks access to campus  First World Problems

1st place in mario kart item boxes only give me green shells and banana peels

1st place in mario kart item boxes only give me green shells and banana peels  First World Problems

Wanted a Sara's ice cream cone today closed for winter

Wanted a Sara's ice cream cone today closed for winter  First World Problems

Let 2 of my friends borrow a bowl Both are broken

Let 2 of my friends borrow a bowl Both are broken  First World Problems

No one at work watches the walking dead I'll have nobody to talk to about last night's finale

No one at work watches the walking dead I'll have nobody to talk to about last night's finale  First World Problems
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