First World Problems

Study Group? But it's all the way in NoMo

Study Group? But it's all the way in NoMo  First World Problems

Go Up to the soda machine at Has expectation: soda reality: water

Go Up to the soda machine at Has
expectation: soda reality: water  First World Problems

I don't have enough time To hang out with all the awesome friends I have made

I don't have enough time To hang out with all the awesome friends I have made  First World Problems

Has awesome friends who don't post ignorant shit on facebook Can't post anything to r/atheism whoring for karma

Has awesome friends who don't post ignorant shit on facebook Can't post anything to r/atheism whoring for karma  First World Problems

I bit the inside of my cheek and now i keep accidentally chewing on it

I bit the inside of my cheek and now i keep accidentally chewing on it  First World Problems

Weather was so warm in DC today Coffee shops ran out of ice for chilled drinks

Weather was so warm in DC today Coffee shops ran out of ice for chilled drinks  First World Problems

won an iPad in a raffle was hoping for the toy helicopter

won an iPad in a raffle was hoping for the toy helicopter  First World Problems

went clubbing in miami ended up at mekka

went clubbing in miami ended up at mekka  First World Problems


WASHED PANTS FOR FIRST TIME IN MONTHS NOW THEY pinch my junk when i walk  First World Problems

he wanted me to suck his dick but then i realized he wasnt jewish

he wanted me to suck his dick but then i realized he wasnt jewish  First World Problems
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