First World Problems

Spends 30 minutes creating meme accidentally forgets to save

Spends 30 minutes creating meme accidentally forgets to save  First World Problems

Get invited out to eat After I've already eaten

Get invited out to eat After I've already eaten  First World Problems

Chip dip is all gone But I still have chips

Chip dip is all gone But I still have chips  First World Problems

Spent last 5 minutes at work on Reddit Left 30 minutes late

Spent last 5 minutes at work on Reddit Left 30 minutes late  First World Problems


Google Chrome Incognito dOESN'T mAKE MY REDDIT LINKS PURPLE  First World Problems

I finished pooping before the game on my phone loaded

I finished pooping before the game on my phone loaded  First World Problems

I want something to eat But i don't want to ruin my high

I want something to eat But i don't want to ruin my high  First World Problems

i got some really dank weed but now my whole room reeks

i got some really dank weed but now my whole room reeks  First World Problems

Want to start a new TV series but there are so many episodes

Want to start a new TV series but there are so many episodes  First World Problems

Monday morning. No announcements from devs.

Monday morning. No announcements from devs.  First World Problems
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