First World Problems

Needs to go to bathroom really badly only have one more bathroom pass left for rest of the semester

Needs to go to bathroom really badly only have one more bathroom pass left for rest of the semester  First World Problems

sidewalks not plowed have to run on road and get honked at

sidewalks not plowed have to run on road and get honked at  First World Problems

People are loud outside my office Can't shut door because it gets too hot

People are loud outside my office Can't shut door because it gets too hot  First World Problems

woke up too late to eat at mcdonalds

woke up too late to eat at mcdonalds  First World Problems

1/8 of kush, 1 frozen pizza ran out of ranch sauce

1/8 of kush, 1 frozen pizza ran out of ranch sauce  First World Problems

The kush is so sticky and I have to break it up with my fingers

The kush is so sticky and I have to break it up with my fingers  First World Problems

nobody voted on my post so i didn't know whether it was good or not

nobody voted on my post so i didn't know whether it was good or not  First World Problems

All of the FB updates, tweets, reddit updates and news sites still don't sate my need for Colorado status updates

All of the FB updates, tweets, reddit updates and news sites still don't sate my need for Colorado status updates  First World Problems

No Free Lunch Wednesday this week because of a national holiday

No Free Lunch Wednesday this week because of a national holiday  First World Problems

25 years old mythical forward retired to the Hall of Fame

25 years old mythical forward  retired to the Hall of Fame  First World Problems
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