First World Problems Stylish Man

"My favorite pattern is flannel" Flannel is a fabric.

my girlfriend just sneezed but i don't want to give her my pocket square

my girlfriend just sneezed but i don't want to give her my pocket square  First World Problems Stylish Man

I have an itch on my head But my hair is finally doing what I want it to

I have an itch on my head But my hair is finally doing what I want it to  First World Problems Stylish Man

i don't want to get pinched today but i don't look good in green

i don't want to get pinched today but i don't look good in green  First World Problems Stylish Man

Goes to public school Feels awkward looking the best everyday

Goes to public school Feels awkward looking the best everyday  First World Problems Stylish Man

Pull over No its a cardigan but thanks for noticing

Pull over No its a cardigan but thanks for noticing   First World Problems Stylish Man

i could give her my jacket but that would unbalance my outfit

i could give her my jacket but that would unbalance my outfit  First World Problems Stylish Man

Maybe he's born with it Maybe it's just a ho-hum guy in expensive clothing

Maybe he's born with it Maybe it's just a ho-hum guy in expensive clothing  First World Problems Stylish Man

I want to move my arms from this pose But this jacket is falling just right

I want to move my arms from this pose But this jacket is falling just right  First World Problems Stylish Man

I bought an amazing outfit for Easter But only a few family members will get to see me in it

I bought an amazing outfit for Easter But only a few family members will get to see me in it  First World Problems Stylish Man
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