First Day On Internet Kid

i'm running for usg these memes will be perfect for my campaign posters!

i'm running for usg these memes will be perfect for my campaign posters!  First Day On Internet Kid

Creepypasta? I love spaghetti!

Creepypasta? I love spaghetti!  First Day On Internet Kid

looks up naked pictures on google images i turned safesearch off! i'm such a badass!

looks up naked pictures on google images i turned safesearch off! i'm such a badass!  First Day On Internet Kid

Girl in the picture NSFW

Girl in the picture NSFW  First Day On Internet Kid

I'll just have "WTF brain" as the punchline This is going to be the best comic ever.

I'll just have

Hey I found something funny shared on facebook I'm sure reddit will find this awesome!

Hey I found something funny shared on facebook I'm sure reddit will find this awesome!  First Day On Internet Kid

Googles cheat codes I can't wait to tell everyone at school i learned how to hack!

Googles cheat codes I can't wait to tell everyone at school i learned how to hack!  First Day On Internet Kid

Blue Waffle? Bet that goes great with green eggs and ham!

Blue Waffle? Bet that goes great with green eggs and ham!  First Day On Internet Kid

reddit username? easy! i'll just use my own name!

reddit username? easy! i'll just use my own name!  First Day On Internet Kid

Guys, facebook is great they have all these cool "mims"

Guys, facebook is great they have all these cool
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