Feminist Nazi

clitoridectomy is barbaric gets vaginoplasty

clitoridectomy is barbaric gets vaginoplasty  Feminist Nazi

Drives a BMW, has a summer house in Maine, goes shopping every weekend. Has a phd in clinical psychology and makes more than her husband. Hes fine with it.

Drives a BMW, has a summer house in Maine, goes shopping every weekend. Has a phd in clinical psychology and makes more than her husband.  Hes fine with it.  Feminist Nazi

whines about pay inequality screws over employer by getting pregnant

whines about pay inequality screws over employer by getting pregnant  Feminist Nazi

drinking alcohol makes me horny you are liable if we have sex

drinking alcohol makes me horny you are liable if we have sex  Feminist Nazi

have you ever noticed feminists never acknowledge how women in other countries are truly oppressed unlike in the U.S.

have you ever noticed feminists never acknowledge how women in other countries are truly oppressed unlike in the U.S.  Feminist Nazi

Makes insulting memes about people on reddit to prove that unlike them she doesn't sit around all day making insulting memes

Makes insulting memes about people on reddit to prove that unlike them she doesn't sit around all day making insulting memes  Feminist Nazi

Boys are doing worse in every level of education? Tell them the girls are better than them again! And make the punishments for boys more severe than the punishments for girls!

Boys are doing worse in every level of education? Tell them the girls are better than them again! And make the punishments for boys more severe than the punishments for girls!  Feminist Nazi

This woman said 'No' When I asked her out.

This woman said 'No' When I asked her out.  Feminist Nazi

Laughs at jokes about men gets angry and down votes all jokes about women

Laughs at jokes about men gets angry and down votes all jokes about women  Feminist Nazi

lives hypocritical "feminist" life dedicated to making men miserable wonders why she gets raped

lives hypocritical
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