Fast and Furious

Got a favorite style of graph? Pie Charts! You? Vin Diagrams...

Got a favorite style of graph? Pie Charts! You? Vin Diagrams...  Fast and Furious

smells like updog. What's updog? Nothin much, how bout you?

smells like updog. What's updog? Nothin much, how bout you?  Fast and Furious

guess how I got six kills in two rounds? how?? by stealing your defuses

guess how I got six kills in two rounds? how?? by stealing your defuses  Fast and Furious

Nice ride brother pretty sweet a No

Nice ride brother pretty sweet a No  Fast and Furious

Hey, guess what? What? Chicken butt. . . . . . .

Hey, guess what? What? Chicken butt. . . . . . .  Fast and Furious

I would race you if it had a V8 It does have a V8 fuck these guys...

I would race you if it had a V8 It does have a V8  fuck these guys...  Fast and Furious

You think your gonna take down a GTR? no problem, Atco- track prep- 'Murican Muscle We'll be racing in the rain..

You think your gonna take down a GTR? no problem, Atco- track prep- 'Murican Muscle We'll be racing in the rain..  Fast and Furious

Hey Abel What? Thats your name isnt it Challenge Accepted

Hey Abel What? Thats your name isnt it  Challenge Accepted  Fast and Furious

near the finish of our illegal street race, i nearly attained a superior position, compared to yourself. You nearly acquired possession of my automobile? i regret to inform you that you have never in fact held possession of the very vehicle you own curren

near the finish of our illegal street race, i nearly attained a superior position, compared to yourself. You nearly acquired possession of my automobile? i regret to inform you that you have never in fact held possession of the very vehicle you own curren  Fast and Furious

I'm having trouble connecting my computer to my network, can you help? Sure what kind of computer is it- Windows ME.

I'm having trouble connecting my computer to my network, can you help? Sure what kind of computer is it- Windows ME.  Fast and Furious
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