Fast and Furious

hey, you want to hear a joke? What?

hey, you want to hear a joke? What?   Fast and Furious

wana come jam some xbox after? really? No

wana come jam some xbox after? really? No  Fast and Furious

Hey, wanna hear something funny? What? fuck you

Hey, wanna hear something funny? What? fuck you  Fast and Furious

You played a decent game. Yeah thanks! Now stop playin custom games Noob

You played a decent game. Yeah thanks! Now stop playin custom games Noob  Fast and Furious

Did you hear about that girl that committed suicide? Yes. R.I.P Daani. She fingered her sister.

Did you hear about that girl that committed suicide?  Yes. R.I.P Daani.  She fingered her sister.  Fast and Furious

Haver si aciertas que le pongo a mi coche?!?! No, me rindo, que le pones? Gasolina...

Haver si aciertas que le pongo a mi coche?!?! No, me rindo, que le pones? Gasolina...  Fast and Furious

Wanna play some Warcraft? What? Fucking Nerd, RS is the shit.

Wanna play some Warcraft? What?  Fucking Nerd, RS
is the shit.  Fast and Furious

hey man, you didnt hook up with stacy last night did you? nah bro, i wouldn't do that to you good. cause i would never wanna have to admit that you did what i couldn't i'm so fucked

hey man, you didnt hook up with stacy last night did you? nah bro, i wouldn't do that to you good. cause i would never wanna have to admit that you did what i couldn't i'm so fucked  Fast and Furious

S6jale Lõppu?? Miks?? Sest MULl on nii fcking siiber sellest pasast Ma siin arvasin et teeme sellele

                    S6jale Lõppu?? Miks?? Sest MULl on nii fcking siiber sellest pasast Ma siin arvasin et teeme sellele   Fast and Furious

Hey, did you know Johns on his way? Your fucking with me. Im serious.

Hey, did you know Johns on his way? Your fucking with me. Im serious.  Fast and Furious
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