Fascinated Tiger

how fascinating, meisin Come closer and tell me more

how fascinating, meisin Come closer and tell me more  Fascinated Tiger

I have steak in my cage for you come and get it

I have steak in my cage for you come and get it  Fascinated Tiger

come in I have pizza

come in I have pizza  Fascinated Tiger

that annoying orange video is good come closer and tell me more

that annoying orange video is good come closer and tell me more  Fascinated Tiger

I am lonely can you talk to me in my cage

I am lonely can you talk to me in my cage  Fascinated Tiger

"four finals down, one to go!!1" HOW FUCKING FASCINATing! PLEASE, TELL ME MORE!

Wtf? Did you really just say "Here, kitty kitty" ?

Wtf? Did you really just say

How Very Interesting! Can I dance with the horse now?

How Very Interesting! Can I dance with the horse now?  Fascinated Tiger

How Very Interesting! Think you could pass me a bite?

How Very Interesting! Think you could pass me a bite?  Fascinated Tiger

How Fucking Interesting!

How Fucking Interesting!   Fascinated Tiger
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