Fallout new vegas

stop ulysses from nuking the ncr and the legion. nuke ncr and legion for 2 unique loot items you'll never use.

stop ulysses from nuking the ncr and the legion.  nuke ncr and legion for 2 unique loot items you'll never use.   Fallout new vegas

Repair power fist with boxing tape Jury Rigging

Repair power fist with boxing tape Jury Rigging  Fallout new vegas

overcumbered? time to pound some buffout into my face, pick up 40 more pounds and sprint to trading post to sell loot!

overcumbered? time to pound some buffout into my face, pick up 40 more pounds and sprint to trading post to sell loot!  Fallout new vegas

When in doubt Play Fallout!

When in doubt Play Fallout!  Fallout new vegas

Makes Abe Lincoln Look like a total Badass

Makes Abe Lincoln Look like a total Badass  Fallout new vegas

My kingdom for a horse. Speaking of animals where the hell are the cats? Also where the hell are the horses? Dogs survive, but not cats/horses. Something up...

My kingdom for a horse. Speaking of animals where the hell are the cats?  Also where the hell are the horses? Dogs survive, but not cats/horses. Something up...   Fallout new vegas

puts on new vegas radio johnny guitar doesn't stop playing

puts on new vegas radio johnny guitar doesn't stop playing  Fallout new vegas

Take Drugs In Real Life. Would never take them in game.

Take Drugs In Real Life. Would never take them in game.  Fallout new vegas

Going to different room in building? 5 minute load

Going to different room in building? 5 minute load  Fallout new vegas

find most important documents in U.S. history sell them for bottle caps

find most important documents in U.S. history sell them for bottle caps  Fallout new vegas
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