Fallout new vegas

Try Skyrim. No miniguns? No mesh bikinis? Best weapon: shout? Eject disc.

Try Skyrim. No miniguns? No mesh bikinis? Best weapon: shout?  Eject disc.   Fallout new vegas

spend 3 hours searching for dogmeat dog dies in first enemy encounter

spend 3 hours searching for dogmeat dog dies in first enemy encounter  Fallout new vegas

Head Injury? Better take a nap

Head Injury? Better take a nap  Fallout new vegas

stockpile cameras Just in case giant robot needs new eyes someday.

stockpile cameras Just in case giant robot needs new eyes someday.  Fallout new vegas

Have a bunch of broken limbs fix it by stabbing them with needles

Have a bunch of broken limbs fix it by stabbing them with needles  Fallout new vegas

squirrel on a stick gotta have it

squirrel on a stick gotta have it  Fallout new vegas

see enemy ahead, Enter V.A.T.S. shoots alliance in the back of the head in spirts

see enemy ahead,       Enter V.A.T.S. shoots alliance in the back of the head in spirts  Fallout new vegas

Spend 20 minutes picking next perk Immediately regrets decision

Spend 20 minutes picking next perk Immediately regrets decision  Fallout new vegas

Boone kills all ncr says dont kill ncr

Boone kills all ncr says dont kill ncr  Fallout new vegas

Cazador nest behind some rubble Dear god

Cazador nest behind some rubble Dear god  Fallout new vegas
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