Fallout new vegas

Hear Sinatra while out of town miss a video game

Hear Sinatra while out of town miss a video game  Fallout new vegas

Once I save this game This entire town is dead!

Once I save
this game This entire town
is dead!  Fallout new vegas

can take down legendary deathclaw one shotted by giant bloatfly

can take down legendary deathclaw one shotted by giant bloatfly  Fallout new vegas

66 quests, 361 locations, 192 unique npcs, 164 weapons 10 voice actors

66 quests, 361 locations, 192 unique npcs, 164 weapons 10 voice actors  Fallout new vegas

i've got the best girlfriend ever

i've got the best girlfriend  ever   Fallout new vegas

Giant Rats in Subway? Pfft, I'll sleep wherever

Giant Rats in Subway? Pfft, I'll sleep wherever  Fallout new vegas

Afraid to talk to girls Desensitized to committing genocide

Afraid to talk to girls Desensitized to committing genocide  Fallout new vegas

Punch guy in the chest head falls off

Punch guy in the chest head falls off  Fallout new vegas

NPC pisses you off. point gun at their head and save your game. Now sir, you are fucked!

NPC pisses you off.
point gun at their head and save your game. Now sir, you are fucked!  Fallout new vegas

Knocked unconscious Companions leave your side

Knocked unconscious Companions leave your side  Fallout new vegas
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