Fallout new vegas

Walking in wasteland, sees Cazador Drops minigun and runs

Walking in wasteland, sees Cazador Drops minigun and runs  Fallout new vegas

Managed to repair a chainsaw With a pool cue

Managed to repair a chainsaw With a pool cue  Fallout new vegas

Take dirty water; lose karma rob somebodies grave; karma doesnt budge

Take dirty water; lose karma rob somebodies grave; karma doesnt budge  Fallout new vegas

2000 caps or a pass port to get into the stip but the people traveling with you are cool

2000 caps or a pass port to get into the stip but the people traveling with you are cool  Fallout new vegas

Brain damage, 7 broken limbs sleep one hour, perfectly healthy

Brain damage, 7 broken limbs sleep one hour, perfectly healthy  Fallout new vegas

Autosave corrupted Start new game

Autosave corrupted Start new game  Fallout new vegas

Stand by a radio during a conversation hum "big iron" to yourself for a week

Stand by a radio during a conversation hum

"Hold up, there might be some good stuff in that log" Pinyon nuts

Finds small mail box Stores rocket launcher

Finds small mail box Stores rocket launcher  Fallout new vegas

weapons aren't allowed inside live ammunition, including missiles and grenades are

weapons aren't allowed inside live ammunition, including missiles and grenades are  Fallout new vegas
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