Fallout new vegas

Find a Robot that Floats Still sets off land mines

Find a Robot that Floats Still sets off land mines  Fallout new vegas

Steal gun from traveler Sell it back

Steal gun from traveler Sell it back  Fallout new vegas

I hope you're not essential because I really like your gun.

I hope you're not essential because I really like your gun.  Fallout new vegas

Walk all the way to Minefield Walk all the way back, not discovered, didn't follow arrow to playground

Walk all the way to Minefield Walk all the way back, not discovered, didn't follow arrow to playground  Fallout new vegas

murder and Cannibalize a Khan in the waste Walk 100 yards to a new town and make friends.

murder and Cannibalize a Khan in the waste Walk 100 yards to a new town and make friends.  Fallout new vegas

5 mins after posting useless player any offers????

5 mins after posting useless player any offers????  Fallout new vegas

Kill some Legion soldiers Wear there armor, It's like nothing happened

Kill some Legion soldiers Wear there armor, It's like nothing happened  Fallout new vegas

shoots bandit in foot head explodes

shoots bandit in foot head explodes  Fallout new vegas

J'veux m'evader d'fallout POUR ALLER A GEARS

J'veux m'evader d'fallout  POUR ALLER A GEARS
  Fallout new vegas

Broken 50 Cal Sniper Rifle Fix with BB gun

Broken 50 Cal Sniper Rifle Fix with BB gun  Fallout new vegas
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