Fallout new vegas

Post-apocalyptic wasteland 2 day's play hoards enough supplies for own army

Post-apocalyptic wasteland 2 day's play hoards enough supplies for own army  Fallout new vegas

new location: Raided farmstead let's see how raided it really was.

new location: Raided farmstead let's see how raided it really was.  Fallout new vegas

Repair sexy sleepwear Hammer, nut & bolt noises

Repair sexy sleepwear Hammer, nut & bolt noises  Fallout new vegas

Oh good, quest marker is right over there on the other side of a huge, unclimbable mountain

Oh good, quest marker is right over there on the other side of a huge, unclimbable mountain  Fallout new vegas

Start a girl character Run away from bugs

Start a girl character Run away from bugs  Fallout new vegas

traveling merchant kills fiend Doesnt loot his stuff

traveling merchant kills fiend Doesnt loot his stuff  Fallout new vegas

30 minutes creating character never see face

30 minutes creating character 
 never see face   Fallout new vegas

Plants grenade on unsuspecting Ranger "You have been caught Pickpocketing"

Plants grenade on unsuspecting Ranger

block a super sledge with a 300 year old rolling pin

block a super sledge with a 300 year old rolling pin  Fallout new vegas

Take animal friend perk Kill them anyway

Take animal friend perk Kill them anyway  Fallout new vegas
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